Recent Successes

Snapshot of 2023-2024 Successes
Celebrated 20+ years of our program successes
Donated over 500 bikes to local schools and youth programs for kids
Finished our bike riding course at the Kiwanis Activity Center
Hosted three bike camps for young riders for age 8-15
Continue to host weekly repair clinics (safety checks and riding clinics for bikes)
Hosted a scout projects and group work days for bike repairs and program development
Hosted bike riding and walking safety programs at the facility and in the community
Enhanced riding programs to use new riding course for camps and rodeos
Hosted monthly bike building programs for unhoused veterans in partnership with the VA and Project Hero
Fundraisers for the bike programs included the annual Biggest Little Bike Swap and Sale and Burning Man Bike Sales as well as our annual Pairings for Programs party and celebration
Continued to sell about 500 reconditioned bikes, bike supplies and new helmets from our
bike facility in the Kiwanis Activity Center
Hosted various events for our partner organizations
Celebrated 20+ years of our program successes
Donated over 500 bikes to local schools and youth programs for kids
Finished our bike riding course at the Kiwanis Activity Center
Hosted three bike camps for young riders for age 8-15
Continue to host weekly repair clinics (safety checks and riding clinics for bikes)
Hosted a scout projects and group work days for bike repairs and program development
Hosted bike riding and walking safety programs at the facility and in the community
Enhanced riding programs to use new riding course for camps and rodeos
Hosted monthly bike building programs for unhoused veterans in partnership with the VA and Project Hero
Fundraisers for the bike programs included the annual Biggest Little Bike Swap and Sale and Burning Man Bike Sales as well as our annual Pairings for Programs party and celebration
Continued to sell about 500 reconditioned bikes, bike supplies and new helmets from our
bike facility in the Kiwanis Activity Center
Hosted various events for our partner organizations